Read the book of Acts. Seriously. Go ahead, I'll wait. You can come back to this later...
OK. So, what did you think? Can you believe it? Ever been around people like that? Ever seen God work like that? Have you ever seen anything that even vaguely resembles that?
My first reaction is, "Well, that's the Bible. It's the apostles. Of course, we haven't seen anything like that. That's an entirely different time. It's apples and oranges. It won't ever be that way again." But then I catch myself. WHY NOT?!?! The Holy Spirit that raised Christ from the dead, and filled Peter, Stephen and the other apostles, and came at Pentecost, and caused thousands to be saved, is the EXACT SAME Holy Spirit that has been sent to us. He indwells us and empowers us. He is in the process of conforming us into the image of our Savior, Jesus Christ. He has given us an assignment to do and the power to do it.
Holy Spirit of God, break us, fill us, and use us. May Your Kingdom come. May Your will be done in us and through us. Make us bold and courageous. Help us not shrink in fear. Help us not shirk our responsibility. Change our hearts so that we're not just wandering through life, enjoying things that don't matter while ignoring those that do. We need You to move.
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