By now, everyone knows the mall's routine; September - the Fall stuff goes up, October - time for Halloween and a dose of Thanksgiving, by November 1 it's all about Christmas. Garlands, wreaths, trees, Santa, the whole thing turns to Christmas. In light of that change, and because twenty-four hour a day Christmas music is just around the corner, I'd like to make a recommendation. You might even consider it a Christmas challenge.
Around ten years ago Andrew Peterson released his Christmas project, Behold the Lamb of God. I was familiar with the work of Peterson and was interested in what he'd done. I could not have predicted how this recording would affect me. One particular year it is the only CD I listened to in my car from September through December. My focus that Christmas was different. My heart was filled with thanksgiving for the incarnation like never before. I know, it sounds like I'm overstating my case, like maybe I get a kick-back from the sales of the CD. I'm not, and I don't. Andrew Peterson is one of the most gifted song writers of this generation, and Behold the Lamb of God is the most beautiful presentation of humanity's dilemma, God's provision, and our deliverance I have ever heard.
So here's the challenge...
Buy Behold the Lamb of God. Listen to it. Listen to it again and again. (Once is not enough, it's too rich.) Dwell on it. Read its message from God's Word, and behold the Lamb of God Who takes away our sin.
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